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Friday, May 25, 2007


[ Pakej meluaskan rangkaian terhebat pertengahan 2007 ]


1) E-mail yang meliputi badan kerajaan,pihak swasta,orang perseorangan di serata Malaysia,Singapura dan Indonesia!
2) Mereka yang tersenarai adalah dari golongan budak sekolah hingga ke peringkat professional .Meliputi pelbagai golongan masyarakat,maka sesuai untuk berbagai jenis perniagaan!
3) Kebarangkalian untuk menerima "failure notice" atau "Internet Mail Delivery:Error" yang sangat rendah!
4) Mempunyai "resell rights" ini bermakna anda boleh menjualkannya untuk mendapatkan modal kembali!


Testimonial yang berjaya


InternetMuda Sumbangan Terakhir Hafiz Pasaran Malaysia

Hi rosli,
Jika anda membaca review yang ditulis oleh Zul Smartusaha
dan Sham RajaAdsense, anda diberitahu yang InternetMuda
adalah sumbangan terakhir saya bagi pasaran Malaysia untuk
memajukan perniagaan Internet anda.
I'm going to international market!
Ini bukanlah bermaksud saya akan terus kelam pada pasaran
Malaysia, tidak! InsyaAllah saya akan terus menghantar e-mail
yang boleh membantu anda memajukan perniagaan Internet
anda, hasil pengalaman yang peroleh dalam pasaran antarabangsa.
Kiranya InternetMuda ialah website yang terakhir bagi 3 tahun
yang akan datang.
Jika ada e-book percuma yang saya tulis atau peroleh, ia hanya
akan diberikan kepada subscriber InternetMuda dan MalaysiaPal
Perkembangan saya buat masa sekarang untuk international
market, saya semakin berminat menggunakan Google Adwords.
Semalam (22/5/2007) saya telah setup satu iklan Adwords dan
target market ialah pasaran US. Pagi ini apabila saya check
kembali, profit yang saya peroleh setelah ditolak kos iklan
ialah USD6.40 (RM22)!
Ya, saya tahu tak banyak tetapi saya peroleh jumlah tersebut
semasa saya tidur, satu iklan sahaja pula tu. Jika 10 iklan,
bukankah saya peroleh RM220? ;)
Ini didorong dengan satu e-book yang saya peroleh percuma
bertajuk "Google Cash Strikes Back" oleh Chris Carpenter.
Di dalam e-book tersebut beliau menerangkan satu software
yang bakal dilancarkan tidak lama lagi. Selepas membaca
sehingga page 25 daripada 40, saya telah setkan minda saya
untuk terus membeli software tersebut. Tak kisahlah berapa
harga yang dikenakan, saya tetap akan beli!
Di dalam e-book percuma tersebut, beliau menerangkan
bagaimana mengetahui iklan-iklan pesaing kita, jumlah yang
mereka laburkan, keyword yang mereka gunakan, iklan mana
yang profitable atau tak dan sebagainya.
Apabila kita dah ketahui rahsia pesaing kita, bukankah mudah
untuk kita atasi mereka dan memaksimumkan keuntungan kita?
Itulah sebabnya saya tak kisah berapa harga yang ditawarkan ;)
Jika anda belum peroleh lagi "Google Cash Strikes Back" yang
diberikan percuma tersebut, anda boleh layari:
Kisah kejayaan seorang budak perempuan berusia 15 tahun
peroleh USD1,000 sebulan dengan Adwords ada diceritakan
di dalam e-book tersebut. Saya pasti ia akan menaikkan
semangat anda di dalam online business ni ;)
Terima kasih.
To your success,
Hafiz Latib
p/s: Jangan lupa menonton 2 video yang diberikan percuma. Ia
sungguh berguna untuk anda juga ;)
Anda menerima e-mail dari Jika anda
mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan ataupun pendapat, beritahu saya
melalui SMS ke:
HAFIZNama AndaEmail AndaSoalan/Pendapat Anda.
Hantarkan kepada 32781
Pertanyaan atau pendapat anda akan dibalas secepat mungkin.
No 15, Jalan 9, Taman Berjaya, Batu Caves, Selangor 68100, MALAYSIA

Kesalahan Yang Dilakukan Oleh Hafiz

Kesilapan #11 - Kesalahan Yang Alang Lakukan

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera, rosli!
Alang bersetuju untuk kongsikan kesilapan yang pernah beliau
lakukan. Teruskan bacaan anda dan ambil ikhtibar untuk memajukan
perniagaan Internet anda. Thanks Alang for your contribution
to ;)
Beberapa kesilapan yang pernah saya lakukan di dalam perniagaan
1. Membuat laman web tanpa perancangan yang teliti. Contoh terbaik
dalam kes ini ialah 2 laman web saya, dan Saya membina kedua-dua laman web tersebut
kerana terpengaruh dengan trafik dari myspace. Saya membaca beberapa
pendapat yang mengatakan amat mudah memperolehi trafik dari myspace
dengan laman web berkenaan. Akhirnya, kedua-dua laman web
tersebut saya jual selepas sebulan dilancarkan dan saya kerugian
lebih dari $500 USD untuk script yang saya beli dan bayaran untuk
2. Menghantar iklan kepada forum members melalui email mereka.
Pada masa tersebut, pendapatan dari adsense mula menjunam dan
saya agak terdesak untuk mencari pendapatan lebih.
mempunyai lebih dari 3000 forum members dan saya menghantarkan
email iklan (affiliate link / CPA) kepada mereka melalui forum
admin panel. Akibatnya, saya kehilangan banyak forum members
termasuklah mereka yang telah banyak memberi sumbangan. Tindakan
saya itu dianggap sebagai spam atau melanggar privasi.
3. Menjual text link kepada laman web yang langsung tidak
berkaitan dengan laman web saya di Saya telah
menjual beberapa text link yang berkaitan dengan loan dan
drugs, dan akibatnya, saya telah kehilangan ranking dalam
search engine.
4. Membayar designer sepenuhnya sebelum mereka memulakan tugas.
Itu adalah pengalaman pertama saya mendapatkan designer untuk
laman web saya. Dan apabila hasil designer tersebut tidak memuaskan
hati saya, saya tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa kerana saya sudah
membayar beliau sepenuhnya. Dan saya terpaksa mengeluarkan wang
lagi untuk membayar designer baru. Selepas itu, saya tidak pernah
membayar sesiapa pun yang memberikan perkhidmatan kepada saya
selagi tugas yang mereka buat belum selesai atau tidak memuaskan
hati saya. Jika mereka designer yang mempunyai reputasi yang baik,
saya hanya akan membayar 50% deposit sahaja, dan selebihnya hanya
apabila kerja tersebut selesai dan saya berpuas hati.
Untuk mengetahui perjalanan perniagaan internet Alang, layari
5 hari berikutnya saya akan kongsikan kesilapan Mohd Amirol,
seorang usahawan muda Internet yang sedang meningkat naik dan
mempunyai potensi besar dalam memajukan perniagaan Internet
di Malaysia ini.
Jadi nantikan e-mail saya yang berikutnya.
To your success,
Hafiz Latib
Anda menerima e-mail dari Jika anda
mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan ataupun pendapat, beritahu saya
melalui SMS ke:
HAFIZNama AndaEmail AndaSoalan/Pendapat Anda.
Hantarkan kepada 32781
Pertanyaan atau pendapat anda akan dibalas secepat mungkin.
**Server SMS saya down seketika. Sebarang pertanyaan boleh dihantar
bermula 19 Mei 2007.
No 15, Jalan 9, Taman Berjaya, Batu Caves, Selangor 68100, MALAYSIA

Search And Earn Money Using Slash My Search

Get all of your Marketing Tools such as Banners, Text Links, and More

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Clicks do not directly impact your earnings. You earn for your activity within Use it normally like any other website.
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Standard Affiliate Link - Use for General Links

Getting Started
1.) Above, you will see your unique link. This is your customized universal link that you will use for your homepage and also to refer people. Start right now by manually changing your browser's homepage setting to this URL (eg. Don't accidentally set it to the main URL.
When you are correctly setup, a green circle will appear at the bottom of the homepage; it will not appear on any other page but you will still be tracked correctly.
2.) Click on Affiliate Tools above and use the tell a friend tool to email all of your friends. Their emails are never recorded and only used once to send your email. You get paid for three levels, meaning you get unlimited extra money from everyone you refer and another amount for each referral those people get. You never have to refer anyone, however, referring people will increase your earnings. Regardless of referrals, you will still be paid.
3.) If you have a website, blog, online profile, etc., don't forget to publicize this program with your URL so you can begin to grow your network.
4.) You earn money by actively using Earn money by setting as your homepage (you can do this on more than one computer, but you must login atleast once on each new computer). Earn even more money by using as your primary search engine, the more you search the more you make, its that simple! You will be checked for activity a few times per hour and credited for each segment. Any page on will count towards your credit. Remember to use every time you search and every time you are looking for anything on the internet. Be sure to also take advantage of our new Shopping and eBay Typo search types!
5.) You will see your earnings above labeled as Total Commissions. There may be a 24 hour delay in seeing your earnings. This amount includes all your earnings, including those from your referral network. You are set to earn money after you set your homepage to your link. You do not have to return to your homepage every time you begin a new search or use a new service, you can just surf normally through the site. Read more about how to use this system to promote and grow your referral network by clicking here. Total Clicks measure how many times someone you sent your link to has clicked on it. It also measures how many times you have loaded as your homepage. This number is an approximation, however, your earnings are exact.
You may also send people to a custom URL which can be any page on Just use the following URL:
The best use for this is to refer people directly to the signup page, just use the following URL and enter your ID, any of these links allow us to track who you refer so we can add them to your downline:
We have made a shortened form of this URL available: sure to visit the member forums at to talk to other members, get peer support and meet new people. Your forums account has automatically been created with the same username and password you chose during signup.
Click here to read the Search N Earn Program FAQs
Click here to read a free Basics of Internet Marketing guide to learn how to get more affiliates into your downline to increase earnings potential.
After you have read all the online help documentation and still need help, you may email anytime with any questions, comments or suggestions.
Directory of Features
SMSCash - Complete offers and get instant cash in your Search N Earn account. We have over 2,500 offers and many are open to international users. Many of our users can earn $30 in under half an hour. Click here to learn more about SMSCash at our forums. - Get a email address which counts towards your activity. Click here to learn more about at our forums.
SMS F@H Team - This is the Folding@Home Team. This is 100% optional, but it will help us with our philanthropy goals that we set for ourselves. We already donate money to charities every month, now our members can help us do even more. Click here to learn more about SMS F@H Team at our forums.
SMSForums - This forum is important because it is where we post news, announcements and new features. We have found that this is the best way to communicate with our members. You also get to meet other members, post links and advertisements for everyone to see (in a designated forum) and read a lot more information that can't be covered in emails or the member center. Plus it counts towards your Search N Earn account activity.
SMSPix - Introducing New SMSPix Pixel Advertising and Free Ads. An effective method of advertising using pixels. You get unlimited click-throughs rivaling the cost of PPC programs. Start today and choose the price point you can afford. From free pixels (limited availability) to $0.05 per pixel. Try it out now! Click here to learn more about SMSPix at our forums.
And as always, you earn with your Search N Earn account by actively using our search engine (all features are included: web, shopping, etc.) and loading your homepage.
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Thursday, May 24, 2007

New Traffic Formula

"Watch This 23-Minute Video Presentation To Find Out More..."Click here to watch this video...
Course Components Case Studies Pricing Money-Back Guarantee Order Now

In the BBO Traffic Formula you will be receiving extensive training with one goal in mind. It can be simply put as follows:
Our Mission: To Help Absolute Beginners Make Real Profits Within One Month
All of our content is geared towards that goal, which means that everything you receive will be:
Easy to follow
Made for Beginners (no assumptions here)
Immediately Applicable
We have tested and proven our formula with both advanced marketers and beginners, and it always works!
Here is an outline of our 4-week intense training:
Week 1:Your Quick Start Formula
Learn how you can quickly identify a profitable market that will be right for you by using just a few simple tools.
Choosing your market is probably the most important step in your marketing. Having the wrong market will end up frustrating and confusing you.
You will also learn exactly how to set up your website to prepare for the onslaught of traffic that you will be receiving.
Week 2:Your Traffic Formula
Here you will learn the two traffic methods that will help you build a list of thousands of subscribers and start making your first affiliate commissions.
Once you hit Week 2 training you could literally be making money the next day (many of our members have done so 24 hours after starting Week 2 training).
Week 3:Your Improvement Formula
Once you start getting traffic you will want to make sure that you make the most of it.
In week 3 I will teach you advanced website, email, marketing, and other techniques that will increase your profits with the same amount of traffic.
Week 4:Your Next Step Formula
This system was designed to help beginners go from nothing to having a solid list with solid traffic coming in on a daily basis.
However, it is only just the beginning. Once you have managed to get your business off the ground things become even more exciting.
In week 4 we will discuss where you will need to go next in order to best leverage your efforts.
Not only do you receive extensive training, but you receive it in more than one format.
You will find:
Recorded teleseminars (for you audio learners)
Transcribed teleseminars (for you readers)
Step-by-step videos (for you visual learners)
PDF documents, samples, and templates
Now if all we offered was training then you might still get stuck.
You see, it takes more to make a success story than the highest-quality training. What you need is exceptional support.
And that is exactly what you will get with our formula.
Here is how it works:
We have a member support "team" (not just one or two people) dedicated to helping you through all the difficulties.
Whenever you have a question, you simply ask it, and you will get a reply rather quickly! (Usually within 30 minutes if it's during business hours)
Once you join the BBO Traffic Formula you will be placed on a team led by one of our Internet Marketing resident experts (that's right, I have experienced marketers ready to support you).
As you will find out, there is a very good reason that your team leaders are going to want you to succeed. I won't tell you what it is here as it will ruin the surprise once you join.
If you find that you are stuck in a specific technical area you just say the word and we'll create new video training for that specific problem and put it in the members area.
Have you ever seen support like this before? I didn't think so...
As if the member support wasn't enough, we also hold bi-weekly live Q&A calls hosted by me (Matthew Glanfield).
Basically you can come on the call and ask whatever questions you like and you will have them answered right there and then.
The great thing is, once you are a member of the BBO Traffic Formula you will be able to get on these bi-weekly Q&A calls for as long as you like.
Click here to secure your spot now...
In February of 2007 we took a select group of individuals who were all absolute beginners and put this system to the test.
Here are some of their results:
Dave had never before created a squeeze page nor had he ever set up an auto-responder. In other words, Dave was an absolute beginner to affiliate marketing.
He joined our group hoping to finally be able to break through that barrier and start making real money online.
I'll let him tell you what happened next (this was sent to me on April 27, so pay close attention to the dates):
"I started to see real results last Tuesday, April 17. One of my email swap partners told me that he was sending out the promotion for my newsletter at 1:30 pm on April 17 and again on April 20."
"By the end of the 17th, I had over 60 verified subscribers, by Friday it was over 100, over 200 on Saturday, and yesterday it broke 300. At this moment there are 352 verified members, and only 2 were there before April 17."
"The first sale occured late on April 17 and to date, I have commissions totaling $424."
"I probably would have seen some of this success earlier but I was not able to work on this program for at least a week due to a personal/family issue and probably lost about 2 weeks due to my word processor... Once I was aware of the technical problem I recreated the emails and resent them and they eventually were accepted." (Matthew's note: He started late and still had success!)
"To date, I have 9 confirmed email swap partners and am still working on adding another 10 to 12."
Dave later wrote in and gave the following update (this was on May 2):
"Just wanted to update everyone on my affiliate commissions: I just had my 21st sale with a total of $805, all within 15 days!"
Dave HikadeCan you start to see now that you can do it?
Click here to start making your first commissions...
Staffan joined our apprentice group but was a little skeptical. In his own words, "To be honest, when I first saw your traffic formula I just thought it was too good to be true. It seemed far too easy."
Staffan had never before made a single penny online. He had tried several programs but with no success, not even a little!After:
I'll let him tell you what happened next:
"Shortly after setting up my website and implementing the traffic formula, I was getting incredible results."
"My list grew to over 100 subscribers and I made my first sale."
"Oh, and it all happened within 24 hours."
More of Staffan's comments:
"Getting that first Clickbank commission was a turning point in my life. For the first time, I feel that I can actually make it online."
"One of the biggest reasons I've failed all these years was because of a lack of focus. "
"Matthew's course doesn't just bring in traffic, it also teaches you to focus your efforts and work towards your goals, one step at a time. "
"Anyone...and I mean anyone can do this... It was as easy as going to clickbank and getting a product."
"Once again, thank you so much!"
Update as of Monday May, 5th, 2007:"I found 5 new sales within a few hours and I've now broken the $1000 mark."
Staffan Moritz
Click here to become the next case study...
"Hey Matthew,"
"I just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know that Your Traffic Formula is awesome!"
"I joined Your Traffic Formula on 3-5 and got my first partner on 3-25. Got my 2nd partner on 3-26. On 3-27 I managed to get 4 more partners and made my first sale using the YTF system and the purchase was made by my third subscriber ($67.49)."
"But check this out, on 3-28 I made another sale ($21.93). At that point I only had 13 subscribers. I'm happy to report that I now have 126 subcribers and they're still coming in. I also have 7 partners now."
"Your system is laid out so clearly that anyone who takes action will recieve remarkable results in a very short time. I've joined a lot of programs and read a lot of ebooks, but nothing that I've been involved with comes close to Your Traffic Formula."
"All I did was follow your techniques and I achieved this much from scratch. I had no product, no website and no opt-in list - this is impressive!"
"Lastly, thanks for having a fantastic support team."
"Keep up the great work I am off to follow some more of your strategies!"
Ruth Brown
Are you ready to finally get started?
(Click here to read more testimonials...)
I hope you realize by now how realistic this is for you, even if you are just getting started.
(In fact, it is especially for you if you are just getting started)
All of this training can be yours for a one-time fee of $497. Remember what you are going to receive:
4-Week Intense Training
Recorded and Transcribed Teleseminars
Extensive Video Training
Templates and Samples
Live Q&A Calls
Exceptional Member Support
Click here to become a member now...
If I haven't convinced you yet, allow me to do one more thing for you...
My Satisfaction Guarantee
Allow me to remove any risk from this purchase. Become a member of the BBO Traffic Formula Program and try it out.
Download all the MP3s, watch all the videos, take all my templates and samples.
Even get on two of the Q&A calls and ask me all the questions you want.
If within 30 days you are not happy with the extensive training and support that you have received, simply ask for a refund and you will get it.
We'll even let you keep all the material that you've downloaded!
Go ahead and sign-up right now...
YES Matthew! I want to become a BBO Traffic Formula Member now!
I understand that I will receive extensive training via teleseminars, videos, Q&A calls, and more for only $497.
I also understand that I have a full 30 day money-back guarantee, just in case I find that this is not for me.
> Get Instant Acces Via PayPal Now!!" src="" width=279 border=0>

Note: You can order 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year!
I look forward to helping you build a profitable business over the next two months.
Matthew Glanfield
P.S. Remember, there is no risk in this application. If you aren't happy with what you see (which is highly unlikely), then I will give you a full refund of your fee. Click here to sign up now....
Here is what our other members have been saying:
When I read about the goals of the "BBO Traffic Formula" it looked like something I wanted to explore. I knew I needed much more help with getting quality traffic to my sites.
Every day there are so many products pitched at me and it becomes difficult to separate the good from the not-so-good. I decided to give this a shot and that was a very good decision!
You have a definite talent for teaching and leading others through the learning process. You were always cystal clear with your methods and you kept the course on track with great efficiency.
The real value is in the way you have set up the assignments so that it pushes one to complete them and learn by doing. I have a lot of courses I was going to do great things with, but yours is one that I actually followed through all the parts and made practical use of. That is because you are hands-on all the way and you make it work.
Your staff is terrific and have given personal attention at all hours of the day or night. All of you are really dedicated to our success and it shows in the results.
I certainly recommend training with you to anyone who wants value and results from a skilled teacher. I'll be enjoying the rewards for a long time by applying your methods.
Thanks for a training job well done!"
Stan AllenNew Port Richey,
Click here to become a member now...
"I had attempted to build an internet marketing business for over a year, not to mention the thousands of dollars spent.
All the information out there was incomplete; spotty and fragmented. When I first began working Matthew Glanfield's "Affiliate Market Formula" (which is a free 30 day course) I sensed a difference, not only his philosophy, but his committment and dedication to providing true honest and, most important, complete information on how to build an Internet business.
My feelings were proven correct when I purchased Matt's course "BBO Traffic Formula". He worked with all of us weekly; making how-to videos; teleseminars and even creating examples of emails for us to use. Matthew Glanfield seems to live the truism, as I too believe; 'help people get what they want and need, and you will receive what you want.'
Thanks again Matthew"
John Jewett JrDes Moines,
"P.S. The staff is remarkable in their willingness to assist with any and all problems almost immediately."
Click here to become a member now...
"I must admit I did not think too much about another Guru's coaching program but when Matthew threw in the BBO Traffic Formula I said let's give the internet marketing crowd one last chance before I throw in towel.
Wow was I wrong.
All I can say is if you are serious about starting your own internet marketing business and getting free or low cost traffic to your site, then Matthew is your man.
I have seen and read testimonials before and wondered if they were true but I can say without reservation Mathew Glanfield is the real deal.
The best testomonial I can give is that I am ready to spend money with him on any new venture he decides to start."
James RedmondSo
Click here to become a member now...
"The BBO Traffic Formula is an excellent program for beginning marketers like myself, and for those who have been in marketing for a while and need a jump start.
The program makes sense and lays out everything that needs to be done to build a prospect list and promote products. The support has been excellent and Matthew is very willing to share whatever information people need to get them where they want to go."
John SawyerEastern PA,
Click here to become a member now...
"Matthew has a wonderful gift for teaching.
He has been very patient and thorough during all the classes, and it is clear he has the experience to back up what he teaches.
His encouragement gave me the confidence to try some techniques that normally I would have been hesitant to try.
The Customer Support was also very attentive to questions. I felt I was in good hands through the entire process and now have some skills to take my internet marketing aspirations to the next level.
If you are suffering information paralysis like I was, this is a great first step!"
Marshall ScottAtlanta,
Click here to become a member now...
Privacy Policy Copyright Information Terms of Use Earnings Disclaimer Customer Support Affiliate Program
Copyright © 2007 Glanfield Marketing Solutions Inc. All Rights Reserved.Glanfield Marketing Solutions, Address: 97 Terrace Ave, Welland, ON, Canada, L3C6K1

New Viral Marketing Breakthrough That Sends 300% More Visitors Rushing To Your Web Site And Build Your List Automatic

If you're finished with all those over-hyped list building techniques and want to grow your subscribers three-times faster and easier than with any other method, try this...
"At Last -- A New Viral Marketing Breakthrough That Sends 300% More Visitors Rushing to Your Web Site and Builds Your List Automatically!"

From the desk of: Mike FilsaimeDate:

Friday, May 25, 2007
Dear Viral Marketer,
hat if you could push a magic button and suddenly have a massive landslide of targeted visitors rushing to your web site and whipping out their credit cards to buy your product or service on the spot?
In a perfect world, maybe... but unfortunately this "magic" solution doesn't exist. Yet, that's exactly what the majority of people are still looking for... that one-button-does-all solution to end their web site woes forever and make them rich, famous and even better looking.
How many times have you seen promises like this:
"Get Rich in 30 Days without Even Trying!"
"Slam Your Web Site with 50,000 Visitors in Only 10 Days!"
"Give Me 6 Weeks And I'll Make You A Multi-Millionaire!"
Most copywriters are actually taught to sell the "magic pill" that instantly and effortlessly cures all the prospects' problems and provides a one-size-fits-all solution to reach their dreams. However, aren't you getting just a bit tired of guaranteed results that deliver almost nothing in the end?
Which of These List Building Methods Are Wasting Most of Your Time and Money?
Classified Advertising - Once a golden ticket for bringing in tons of fresh, new subscribers and sales, promoting your products in online classifieds isn't near as profitable because the level of ads competing for your prospect's attention is suffocating and leaves them un-reached.
Ezine Advertising - Blasting your ad across thousands of online publications used to draw in new subscribers by the boatload, but now most readers simply ignore the ads while scanning the issues for content.
Pay Per Click - For those with deep pockets, paying for every visitor to your web site may seem like a good idea. But this method can take many hours of hard testing and thousands of dollars just to break even.
Link Exchanges - In the old days of internet marketing, the number of quality links you had pointing to your web site determined how many visitors, subscribers and sales you could expect. However, although links still hold great value to the search engines, the time required to generate the number of links you need to rank high is a full-time job unto itself.
Writing Articles - This could be one of the best methods to generate steady streams of responsive traffic and subscribers, only it takes either an unreasonable amount of time or money to get these lead generation magnets submitted and ranking high enough in the search engines and directories to see a considerable difference.
Co-Registration - If you're a seasoned professional copywriter, email marketer and advertising specialist, co-registration can prove to be a powerful ally... however, miss any one of these crucial elements and it could put you out of business and filing for bankruptcy!
Even If You're Using Any or All Of These Marketing Methods, You Are Still Missing Out On One of the Most Instantly-Profitable, Time Tested and Proven Methods of All Time...
This incredible method has already been used to generate billions of dollars for huge companies like hotmail, yahoo and gmail...
I've used it personally to create over $700k in sales within the first 24 hours of launching just one of my products...
Two well-known juggernauts of marketing actually used the very tool I'm about to reveal to come in 2nd place in the affiliate contest for the giant $897 per month StomperNet Training Program!
The method I'm speaking of is called word of mouth advertising.
The revolutionary new marketing tool I'm about to revealis none other than the Viral Friend Generator.
Case-Study #1 from Brad Fallon of StomperNet
Brad Fallon
Mike Long
Andy Jenkins
"Brad, listen, I got something from my friend, Mike Filsaime that we can basically 'plug in' to this launch—but there's a little problem…"
Here's what's going on:I get a lot of emails from people looking for a 'low cost' way to get an "unfair advantage" when it comes to getting tons dozens of *FREE* visitors to their site… Well, about 4 months ago, I was in the same position…Here's the story:Back then, I was caught up in the whole 'StomperNet' launch—and I've gotta tell you, things started getting\npretty crazy…But what a lot of people don't know is that we had a 'secret weapon' on our side when it comes to figuring out this whole "launch" thing… Mike Long is a guy who guys like Jeff Walker and \nJohn Reese go to when they are going to put out somethingreally big, so I tracked this guy down and transferred someobscene amount into his account…Well, Andy and I didn't know what we were in for!\nThe next thing you know, the little 'Stomper,' project thatwe've been developing in secret for the last couple of yearsis *FRONT PAGE NEWS* and everyone is beating down our doors…Well one day, Mike calls me up and says, "Brad, listen, I\ngot something from my friend, Mike Filsaime that we canbasically 'plug in' to this launch—but there's a little problem…I laughed out loud when Mike told me that the *PROBLEM* was that we might get 'too much attention' by making this\nlittle move…After all, what's the worst thing that could happen?Hours later (after we had 'melted down' two servers, andcaused what was described to me as a 'major bandwidth scare), I realized that this thing was *POWERFUL!*\n(I even got a call from one of my hosting companies demanding to know how I was getting so many 'whitehat' visitors to my site—and they accused me of dumping hundreds of thousands of dollars into a major marketing\ncampagign. Ha!)Here's the reason I'm telling you about this now:A couple of hours ago, Mike Long, who I now pay six-figures every single month just for his opinion, told me…"The deal is on!"\nHere's what to do…Mike Filsaime has FINALLY decided to share thislow cost but HIGH POWER tool with you…(The funny thing about this little 'hack' is that it's so",1] ); //-->launch—and I've gotta tell you, things started getting pretty crazy…But what a lot of people don't know is that we had a 'secret weapon' on our side when it comes to figuring out this whole "launch" thing… Mike Long is a guy who guys like Jeff Walker and John Reese go to when they are going to put out something really big, so I tracked this guy down and transferred some obscene amount into his account…Well, Andy and I didn't know what we were in for! The next thing you know, the little 'Stomper,' project that we've been developing in secret for the last couple of years is *FRONT PAGE NEWS* and everyone is beating down our doors…Well one day, Mike calls me up and says, "Brad, listen, I got something from my friend, Mike Filsaime that we can basically 'plug in' to this launch—but there's a little problem…I laughed out loud when Mike told me that the *PROBLEM* was that we might get 'too much attention' by making this little move…After all, what's the worst thing that could happen?Hours later (after we had 'melted down' two servers, and caused what was described to me as a 'major bandwidth scare'), I realized that this thing was *POWERFUL!* (I even got a call from one of my hosting companies demanding to know how I was getting so many 'white hat' visitors to my site—and they accused me of dumping hundreds of thousands of dollars into a major marketing campaign. Ha!)The funny thing about this little 'hack' is that it's so simple to use that even a total newbie could figure it \nout.)Here's the deal:Mike Filsaime has finally agreed to release a limited"test" of this new tool—and since we're all such closefriends, I'm allowed to share this thing with you… \nLINKWhat is it?A new (cheap) tool—it costs less than a hundred bucks—that can FILL your list with cash-ready prospects who will DEMAND to "take action…"(So if you're not ready to "make a deal" and cash in, \nthis is NOT the move for you!)Mike's new tool:*Turns the average "off the street" prospect into yourhungry affiliate partner."*Provides so many new leads out of your exisiting \ntraffic that your friends may accuse you of running an EXPENSIVE MARKETING CAMPAIGN.*Is so easy to use that even a total non-technical guylike me can learn it and use it in 10 minutes.So here's what you need to do next…\nGo here:LINKAnd read the letter that Mike Filsaime has prepared foryou explaining all the details that you need to know to pick up this little "turbo boost" for you Internet Marketing\nbusiness…(Just remember how POWERFUL this thing is before you 'plug it in' to your business!)Talk Soon,Brad BradP.S. All you have to do to find out all about this new "Cheapskate hack" is click here:\nLINK \n",0] ); //-->simple to use that even a total newbie could figure it out.What is it?A new (cheap) tool—it costs less than a hundred bucks— that can FILL your list with cash-ready prospects who will DEMAND to "take action…"Mike's new tool:*Turns the average "off the street" prospect into your hungry affiliate partner.*Provides so many new leads out of your exisiting traffic that your friends may accuse you of running an EXPENSIVE MARKETING CAMPAIGN.*Is so easy to use that even a total non-technical guy like me can learn it and use it in 10 minutes. (Just remember how POWERFUL this thing is before you 'plug it in' to your business!)
Brad Fallon, Co-owner of
Case-Study #2 from Rich Schefren of StrategicProfits
Rich Schefren "...within the first two weeks of launch VFG had already produced more than thirty-thousand dollars in pure profit!"
On January 17th 2007 I used an earlier beta version of the Viral Friend Generator on one of my marketing campaigns called the Internet Business Manifesto - I was incredibly surprised to find out that within the first two weeks of launch VFG had already produced more than thirty-thousand dollars in pure profit!
Who would have thought that a little tool could be so effective in pulling that many new leads and customers, and in such a short time. You'd have to be virtually brain-dead not to use this powerful tool in your own business, right away.
Could I have pulled off a successful campaign without using VFG? Of course.
But what makes a marketer truly successful is his or her ability to find those golden nuggets that make life (and marketing) much easier, and deadly effective. I've saved loads of time over using other campaign strategies and pulled in over $30,000 thanks to this killer little tool called the Viral Friend Generator. Thanks again Mike.
Rich Schefren, Owner
How A Drop-Dead Simple Five MinuteAdjustment to Your Web Site Can BringYou Hands-Free Referrals Overnight
Viral Friend Generator is the next evolution in tell-a-friend technology. In less than five minutes (the time it takes you to fill in the form and upload to your server)... you can literally multiply the number of visitors and subscribers your web site receives by 300% or higher!
That's a bold claim, I know. But here's some unsolicited testimonials I just received today that backs up these claims clear as crystal...
"Hi Mike,
I just wanted to let you know that your Viral Friend Generator is my new best friend!
The same day you sent VFG to me I set it up and began testing it on one of my squeeze pages. The very next day when I checked my stats my opt-in rate had increased by over 300%. At first I thought there might be an error but after further study I realized to my delight that there wasn't.
Then I started to think that maybe it was just a fluke. But it wasn't a fluke either...
After 3 solid weeks of testing, each and every day I continue to see an increase in opt-ins to the tune of over 300% !!
VFG has quickly become one of my favorite list building tools.
Thanks for sharing it with me Mike!"
Glen Hopkins#1 Best-Selling Author of Lucrative List
"Hi Mike,
Your 'Viral Friend Generator' software is my new secret weapon for building my list much more rapidly. It's definitely one of the most effective software products to hit the market this year.
I love how it creates a reward system for you that allows your existing visitors and readers to grow your list FOR you, without having to lift a finger.
That's about as close to effortless moneyas you can possibly get. :-)
Michael RasmussenInternet Marketing
"Hi Mike,
Hey Mike, I installed VFG on one of my niche sites the night after I got it, and I've been tracking the results. The bottom line is I'm getting 119 more subscribers per day for the same PPC spend. Since each signup is worth $.76 to me over a three month period, this translates into and additional $90.44 per day in pure profit for this one niche.
Marc QuarlesSoftware
"Hey Mike,I have sent out some emails and a friend of mine will be doing the same tomorrow but the initial results look quite good.I sent out the offer to a small list of around 400.24 hours after launch:I have had 187 people sign up for the offer, and subsequently I have had 137 emails sent to friends.Of these friends around 50 additional have joined in just 1 day.Therefore, despite only around 200 emails having been opened so far, I already have 50 new subscribers.If I were to test this on a large list, I am confident that the results would remain the same.Also, technically, the viral effect should continue for some time.

"Hey Mike,
I just wanted to let you know that the viral friend generator rocks!
Within just two days of setting up your script on one of my sub-campaigns that I have created just a few weeks ago, the opt in rate had increased by over 400%! (425% to be precise)
At first, I thought it was some sort of error, before logging into my viral friend generator account and finding out that it was my subscribers who were doing the referring.
Viral friend generator has now become my favorite list building software of all time.
Thank you for sharing this excellent software!
Now I am going to install this on my main squeeze page, and hopefully see my subscriber list explode!"
Best wishes, Stanley
"Hey Mike,Wow! Viral Friend Generator is a killer program. Mike you have put together an absolutely necessary resource for all marketers. No more clunky PHP scripts to install and test.
With VFG it's just copy and paste.The ability to track how many visitors are referring friends is just brilliant. Also, the options for VFG are endless, but using VFG is as easy as Step-By-Step. Giving your vistors free gifts for referring a certain number of people is what sets VFG apart from other Tell-A-Friend scripts. When we launched our latest campaign incorporating VFG was a no-brainer.As with anything Mike releases, the quality is impeccable and the software is easy to use. Adding VFG to your arsenal will only increase your bottom line and leverage your online marketing efforts. Viral Friend Generator is a must-have for any internet marketer."Brandon HallAffiliate
You might be wondering how this is possible. For example, let's say that every visitor to your web site is worth ten cents.
Each visitor arrives and either subscribes or leaves the site without making a purchase or taking any action. Every time you get one hundred subscribers to your web site, you make an average of $10.00...
Now here's where it gets interesting.
You download and install a copy of Viral Friend Generator to your site, take five minutes to fill in the user friendly form and upload the html code you're given to your web site. Now, instead of making ten cents for every visitor on average, you're instantly making thirty cents per visitor!
This happens because Viral Friend Generator is working in the background and rewarding your visitors for getting new referrals to visit your web site.
Unlike any other tell-a-friend software, the Viral Friend Generator gives you the ability to require those who submit referrals to actually persuade their friends to visit and even join your list of subscribers in order to be rewarded with your free offer!
Here are just a few of the features that make Viral Friend Generator unique and the best of its kind in the marketplace today:
You choose the amount of friends you want each visitor to enter into the form before they can gain access to your product. For instance, you can have visitors tell three friends to download a report, or even ten friends to win free tickets to a teleseminar!
The user-friendly control panel allows you to easily access and manage all of your Viral Friend Generator campaigns across all your web sites at a glance in one central location.
Never feel cheated on friend submissions again! You can set a minimum number of friends required for your visitor to gain access to your product. If the visitor doesn’t fill in the required amount of friends, they’ll get a warning telling them to refer more friends before they can get access to receive your product.
Track the number of people who tell their friends and even the number of friends who click the link inside the referral email to join your site! You can also see valuable statistics for each campaign, including your conversions of visitors to subscribers.
You can use our pre-written email to tell your visitors’ friends about your web site, or write your own. Additionally, your visitors can edit the pre-written email and inject their own voice and personality into each message.
Keep your list clean by adding a “do not mail me again” link to the end of the welcome message your subscribers get after submitting the form… This ensures people who do not want to receive messages will never be added or sent an email from your server again.
Redirect your visitors to any web page you want after successfully completing the form – this could be your sales page, an affiliate link or access to download your free product!
The sender receives a confirmation email after they submit your form, giving them peace of mind in knowing their submission was successful and their download is on the way.
The sender can also be notified every time one of their friends clicks on a link inside an email. You get full statistics of each visitor’s activity from inside your control panel so you'll know every action your visitors are taking on your web site, including their friends!
With Viral Friend Generator, you're in complete control of how many extra visitors you're able to generate. Raise the number of friends required to access your product and experience a sudden increase in traffic...
Change another option to reward only those senders who get their friends to subscribe to your list and you've just multiplied your subscribers!
Sure, this may turn off some visitors (what doesn't) but the end result is that your conversion of visitors-to-subscribers will skyrocket and the amount of actual subscribers you receive is dramatically increased!
So in our example, your thirty cents per visitor has just taken you from $10.00 per one hundred subscribers all the way up to $30.00 with this one simple adjustment to your web site... and it happens overnight because Viral Friend Generator automatically leverages the traffic you're already getting and multiplies it by 300% or higher!
Your 300% Iron-Clad, Total Satisfaction or Double Your Money Back Guarantee -- Yes, I'm Serious!
I've already seen first-hand how well Viral Friend Generator works to produce real results in any internet business. I'm so convinced that Viral Friend Generator will multiply your existing traffic and subscribers by 300% that I'm going to make an incredible offer you simply can't refuse...
Download and install Viral Friend Generator to your web site.
Give it an honest try, and if it doesn't increase the amount of visitors and subscribers to your web site by at least 300%, email me or call my office within 60 days and receive a complete refund... no questions asked.
But show me exactly how you've attempted to use the software according to my instructions (including screenshots) and that it has still failed to produce 300% more visitors and subscribers for your web site and and I'll give you double your money back. That's more than a guarantee... it's a total satisfaction conviction.
I'm absolutely positive you'll be so thrilled with your new ability to generate however many subscribers you want using the Viral Friend Generator that I'm standing firmly behind this product and my promise, or double your money back!
By now, you might be wondering how much the Viral Friend Generator is going to cost you... before you scroll down and skim the most important part of this letter, I urge you to consider the following...
If you were to hire a top marketing consultant to increase your bottom line profits, it'd probably cost you around $1,000 - $10,000 or more, plus a certain percentage of your increased profits would go straight into his or her pocket each and every month.
Let's say you bought tickets to a seminar that promised to teach you ways to increase the conversions on your web site, thereby maximizing every dollar per visitor and minimizing your advertising costs. That's a wonderful thing to know, but that knowledge would cost you around $597 - $2997.
Or what if you purchased the platinum-level in every third party list building program that gave you the ability to mail out to tens of thousands of prospects every few days... just one of them would easily cost you $197 or more for the privelage and those subscribers still don't know you. It takes a lot of work to get them to become responsive and that doesn't guarantee you any sales!
You could continue to utilize the power of squeeze pages to generate leads for your internet business, but the most you'd be generating is one lead at a time. With the Viral Friend Generator, you can explode the power of any squeeze page and instantly generate 300% more leads while using the same amount of traffic you've got coming to your web site right now!
Absolute Top Five Viral Tell-A-Friend Internet Marketing Myths Exposed!
Absolute Myth #1 - "Tell-A-Friend software is old and outdated technology, and doesn't work anymore."
FACT: To completely dispel this myth once and for all, here's what one of the greatest marketers of our time says about viral marketing and Tell-A-Friend software...
"Even if it doesn't give you what I call a '1+ copulation rate' (my technical language for 'viral like the flu') you're still crazy not to sprinkle tell-a-friend through your marketing process liberally (and appropriately)...
If it resulted in one new customer a day even - what would it mean over a year?
Do the math.
Just word the emails that are sent out honestly and you're unlikely to run into spam issues."Mark Joyner,#1 Best-Selling Author of "Simple-ology"
Absolute Myth #2 - "Someone could get a virus or trojan planted in their system using Tell-A-Friend software!"
FACT: Many people who don't know any better have a pre-conceived idea that "viral marketing" has something to do with viruses and thereby miss out on one of the most powerful methods of marketing ever discovered. It is impossible to receive or send a virus or trojan using Viral Friend Generator.
Absolute Myth #3 - "After submitting the names and emails of your friends and colleagues, you're subjecting them to a lifetime of email spam and follow-up sales messages."
FACT: Your friends and colleagues' names and email addresses are never added to any mailing list and can never receive follow up messages. Viral Friend Generator only adds the sender's name and email to the mailing list at their request, which they must confirm in order to be added.
Absolute Myth #4 - "You could get a spam complaint for sending Tell-A-Friend messages from your site."
FACT: Anyone sending email can get a spam complaint. But Viral Friend Generator automatically keeps you in the clear because every message sent from your web site is personal one-to-one communication between the sender and his or her friend or colleague. This means no mass mailing is involved.
Sidenote: I have personally used tell-a-friend technology over one hundred thousand times and have never once received a spam complaint through them.
Absolute Myth #5 - "It's too easy to get cheated with Tell-A-Friend software."
FACT: Actually, this myth is true. The visitor can get whatever bonus is being offered simply by inserting a bunch of bogus emails. But that's also what sets Viral Friend Generator lightyears ahead of ordinary Tell-A-Friend software.
With Viral Friend Generator this problem is completely eliminated because the senders' friends and colleagues are required to visit your web site before they can be credited and sent the email to download your free bonus!
Viral Friend Generator guarantees that your bonus offer remains protected and only available to legitimate prospects who tell real friends and colleagues about your offer, keeping your list clean and responsive to serious potential buyers!
In Our Earlier Example, You Were Shown How Viral Friend Generator Can Instantly Increase The Value of Each Visitor From An Extra $0.10 to Over $0.30 Per Visitor...
If you're selling a $47 product on the back-end and offering a free report to visitors who convince their friends to sign up themselves, with a one percent conversion rate you'd already be making $0.47 per visitor...
Using the Viral Friend Generator, you'd now instantly be averaging 300% more visitors and subscribers, which brings you up to $1.41 per visitor -- now you're generating an average of $141 for every hundred subscribers!
What's amazing is that every new subscriber also generates 300% more visitors and subscribers for you on complete autopilot... when three subscribers each tell three of their friends and those friends become subscribers you're looking at an instant increase of $423 in profits!
"Mike shared a very valuable tip with me before the launch of my 6M Profit Method.
He showed me how to use a viral friend program to increase my opt-in rate of new subscribers.
Since I consider Mike to be one of the foremost authorities on generating traffic I followed his advice and implemented the viral friend tool in my opt-in process. To say the least, I totally underestimated the results! I had an additional 17,083 prospects included in my launch because of this one simple, totally automated tip from Mike Filsaime.
This is a must-have for any serious marketer."
Lisa Diane,
Viral Friend Generator can be used on any web site offering a free product in exchange for some kind of action. Normally, you'd entice your visitors by offering them a free report in exchange for their first name and email address, but now you can also reward them with an additional bonus for telling a few friends about your site and getting them to sign up now.
The possibilities are endless and the your potential to generate real, interested subscribers using Viral Friend Generator is only limited to your imagination... Try it today... Take five minutes of your time to fill in the form to tell the software how you want it to work, and upload it to your web site. Then watch Viral Friend Generator increase your visitors and subscribers by 300% or more, overnight. Guaranteed!
Your Special Exclusive Bonus:
But wait... I've got a special exclusive bonus offer for my best customers only, and that means you. When you download your copy of Viral Friend Generator today, you're also going to get a special 39 page report I've entitled "Mike Filsaime's Viral Marketing Report valued at $47, yours absolutely free... You can use this awesome report with your new Viral Friend Generator to increase your web traffic and sales by 917% almost overnight!
Even better... I'm giving you full Resale Rights to the Viral Marketing Report so you can resell it and keep 100% of the profits from every sale. You can also brand your affiliate link for Viral Friend Generator inside the report itself, giving you 50% commissions every time one of your readers buys a copy of Viral Friend Generator! Plus, you get a killer salesletter and razor-sharp graphics as part of the complete package, so all you do is upload to your web site and start taking sales immediately!
Take action now and download your copy of Viral Friend Generator to harness the virtually untapped power of word of mouth viral marketing on the internet and let your visitors do the advertising for you.
You'll be astonished at the results. And that's a promise.
Compare us:
Low Quality and Free Versions
Viral Friend Generator
Install One time, use on thousands of sites.
Time Waste - Must install script every time you want create a campaign

Create Campaigns on the fly.
Send Reward Gift by Email
Prevents Reward Gift access from fake emails.
Does not deliver Reward Gift on Thank You page to fake email users.
Has Tracking of Clicks of links sent in email
Has Tracking of friends that actually join.
Has Reward option of only providing gifts to members that join.
Option -Allows members to edit email Y/N
Option -Allows members to enter a preceding note Y/N
Has Captcha (Ay3G5) Image Coding to prevent email flooding of 1000 emails per minute by hacker robots that can get you caught in spam complaints and will crash your server.
Has Detect FAKE DOMAIN email to prevent from being used.
Allows you and Admin login panel to create, edit, and manage all of your campaigns and view stats any time you like.
Admin Panel allows you to create campaigns in easy wizard and not some clunky CGI text files on with notepad.
Has Un Sub Link Option In emails
Adds Un subs to Do Not Send List.
Has Ban Email from being sent to feature.
Has Ban IP Feature
Has Clone Campaign Feature
Has *wildcard Ban Domain Feature such *.gov
Optional - Works with most popular auto responders like 1Shoppingcart, Get Response, Auto Response Plus to allow you to have names of sender added to your Auto responder.
Has plain text or HTML send options
Option -Allows members to edit email Y/N
Allows you to earn commissions with multiple Branded viral features.
Quality Product - Not a Cheap "wanna" be buggy clone that does not work, admittedly offers no support, and has 1/100th the features.
Includes Install Video
Includes Marketing Video
Includes Support
Lifetime Upgrades
Includes Members Forum
The Only Profession tool of its kind used by the top marketers on the internet.
Has proven results and case studies.
Offers affiliate program

YES Mike, I Want to Increase My Subscribers By 300% or More Today with the New Viral Friend Generator!
I am ready to start getting three-times more traffic, subscribers and sales than with any other method!
I want to gain instant access to download the software and install it to my server using your simple "how to" video!
I completely understand my 300% Total Satisfaction or Double My Money Back Guarantee, where I can give this software my best shot and if it doesn't give the results promised, I can get double my money back!
I know I'll also be getting my very own copy of Mike Filsaime's Viral Marketing Report absolutely free, and even get full Resale Rights so I can resell it and keep 100% of each and every sale, while building my own killer customer list!
I totally agree that this is the biggest "no brainer" ever offered and I want to download my software and bonus right now!
To conclude, please let me access this incredibly low one-time investment of only $97 for this ground breaking new viral marketing software. Give me access immediately!
Only $197$97.00 USD(For A Very Limited Time)
Unlimited Use License Lifetime Upgrades Lifetime Support
Please Send Me To The Private Member's Area

You Install Just One Time... Use on Hundreds of Your Other Domains.One Time Payment, Lifetime Results...
To Your Viral Marketing Success in 2007!
Mike Filsaime
P.S. Remember, this is the introductory price of this software. After the introductory period is over (that could be this week or even today,) we may raise the price to the normal price of $197 so make sure to lock in the lowest price ever by downloading today!
P.P.S. Don't forget, when you order right now, you also get access to a branded PDF and full resale rights to "Mike Filsaime's Viral Marketing Report " This report has a $47 value and is a great way for you to build an optin list by giving it away for free or even selling it and keeping 100% of each and every sale. Plus, you get to brand your affiliate link to VFG in the report so that anyone who makes a purchase of VFG after reading your branded report will earn you a huge 50% commission. Just giving this report away can pay for this incredible software in just a few days... So get started now!
P.P.P.S. Beware of cheap imitations with zero support. There is only 1 Real Viral Friend Generator. No one has a members forum like ours and no one is as committed to customer satisfaction as we are. We are the only tool in the world like this with proven success stories and we are committed to constantly improving our software. The reason none of the imitations work is none of them have the one secret function of automation that you find in VFG that is the secret to some of our users making thousands of dollars the very first day they start using it. Don't use any other tool... Leave the cheap knock offs for your competitors while you rake in all the profits!
P.P.P.P.S. Keep in mind, if the Viral Friend Generator doesn't skyrocket your visitors and subscribers by 300% or more, you can take our challenge for the 300% Total Satisfaction or Double Your Money Back, No questions asked Guarantee -- that's how completely convinced I am that this software will work for you! You have no risk so download now.
Get Your Copy of Viral Friend Generator and Boost Your Subscribers By 300% Overnight!
Bonus Marketing Videos Included To Teach You How To Use This Software
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